Inspiration: My Mother’s Garden

My mum’s garden is spectacular.

Of course growing up, I took no notice of how wonderful the space she’d created was. I took it all for granted that we had this amazing space to play in.

A few years ago my parent’s moved into their dream home with a much larger garden and since then I’ve come to realise how much my mother’s gardens have influenced my artistic practice.

When I look back through photographs I’ve taken, since I first picked up a camera in a creative capacity (when I was 14 or 15), those gardens are ever present. I used them to test out new techniques, new cameras, new film stocks, expired film stocks, darkroom techniques, editing techniques (when I used digital) and everything in-between.

Of course not all of the photos I take become art prints, but the majority of the prints that make up this first set of colour prints, were taken in her garden or were taken because of the love of plants that she has instilled in me.

I’ve filled this page with just a few of the many hundreds of images of her current garden that come from a variety of techniques, cameras and film stocks I’ve tried out.

Scroll all the way through to learn a secret.

Secret: I have most definitely not inherited the gardening/green-fingered gene and cannot make a garden like this hahaha.


My First Stockist!


The Ray Bradbury Writers Program